Course Description

Introduction to principles and programming techniques of artificial intelligence, strategies for searching, representation of knowledge and automatic deduction, learning, adaptive systems, and applications of artificial intelligence.


305214: Fundamental of Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Outline

This course covers the following topics (tentative):


Assessment Item Worth
Assignments 40%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 40%


Required readings come directly from the course lecture notes, and the recommended textbook for this course is:

Russell, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig. Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. ISBN: 0137903952.

Classes Timetable

Class Time Location
AI (13-1) Mon 13.00-14.50 EE 602
AI (13-2) Wed 08.00-09.50 EE 113
AI (14-1) Mon 15.00-16.50 EE 106
AI (14-2) Wed 16.00-17.50 EN 305


Woralak Kongdenfha

Extension 4355